

Pre-habilitation involves improving your function before surgery to reduce the risk of later complications. Dr Jonathan Cabot may advise that you undertake one or more of the following actions:

  • Weight optimisation
  • Smoking cessation
  • Limiting alcohol
  • Pre-operative exercises
  • Physiotherapy

Specific instructions will be provided if this is the case. You may be referred to another medical professional who can assist.


An admissions nurse or another member of Dr Jonathan Cabotโ€™s team will contact you via phone prior to your admission date. This call will confirm your hospital details, required fasting times, and your plans for hospital discharge. Your nurse will also answer your questions about your admission and procedure.

Fasting before surgery

Adhering to your specified fasting times is essential. Failure to fast properly may result in your procedure being cancelled.

Fasting includes refraining from smoking and chewing gum. Small sips of water are permitted up to two hours before your procedure.

Fasting generally does not apply to your medications. The three major exceptions are anticoagulants (such as aspirin), some antidepressants, and some diabetic drugs. Please discuss these with the intake nurse and/or your anaesthetist before the procedure.

Pre-admission documents

Complete the hospitalโ€™s pre-admission documents and return them to the appropriate department before your admission. Many hospitals have online copies available.

If you are unable to complete these online, you may request a paper copy and return it to the hospital prior to your admission.

When to contact your surgical team

If your condition changes, please notify Dr Jonathan Cabot and his team before your surgery date. This includes health developments such as a cough, fever, skin condition at the anticipated surgical site, or beginning a new medication. Please ensure you have informed Dr Cabot of any dental issues.

Day of procedure

Please shower before presenting to the hospital. Remove any nail polish and leave jewellery at home (you may wear a medical alert bracelet or wedding ring). Wear comfortable clothing which you can easily change out of, as you will be asked to change into a gown for your procedure (eg. avoid buttons and hard-to-reach clasps).

What to bring to the hospital

  • Health care card
  • Pensioner card
  • Medicare card
  • Private health fund card/details
  • A list of your current medications and supplements (preferably typed)
  • Your current medications (in their original packaging)
  • Any relevant X-rays, scans, or test results
  • Any notes or information from your doctor
  • Your referral letter
  • Small amount of cash (vending machines are available at the hospital)
  • Mobile phone & phone charger
  • Non-slip slippers or socks
  • Comfortable clothing
  • Glasses (if used)
  • Walking aids (if used)
  • Dentures (if used)
  • CPAP machine (if used)
  • Pyjamas and/or dressing gown

What to leave at home

  • Large amounts of cash
  • Jewellery (you may wear a wedding ring in most cases)
  • Other valuables
  • Electrical equipment (such as hair dryers)
  • Talcum powder
  • Hot water bottles, heat packs, and wheat bags


Please note that Dr Jonathan Cabot and his operating hospitals cannot accept liability for lost or damaged items. Limited secure storage is available on request.

Hospital admission

When arriving at hospital, head to the reception desk and notify the reception staff of your arrival. They will confirm your identity, process your admission, and fit you with an identification band around your wrist.

A nurse will escort you to pre-admission area. You will be given information about your hospital stay, asked about your medical and surgical history, and have your blood pressure taken. You will then be asked to change into a hospital gown and your belongings will be securely stored.

After changing, hospital staff will make you comfortable in the admission lounge. Your anaesthetist may visit you during this time and ask about your health and medication history.

You will then be escorted to the operating theatre. Your identity will be verified, your procedure will be confirmed, and your medical history will be reviewed once more. Dr Jonathan Cabot and his theatre team will remain with you throughout the procedure.


Hospital discharge

After surgery, you will spend some time in a recovery room before being transferred to an appropriate ward. The ward staff will provide an approximate date and time for your discharge.

Written information about post-operative instructions, pain management, wound care, and your recovery plan will be provided on discharge. Please review this information before you leave the hospital and speak to a nurse if clarification is required.

Discharge timelines

Most patients are eligible for discharge 3-5 days following a joint replacement surgery. Your own discharge timeline may vary depending on your overall health and the nature of your procedure.

Early discharge

Most patients report sleeping better, feeling more in control, and being happier psychologically when they recover at home. As a result, early discharge is preferred where appropriate.

Patients suitable for early discharge remain in the hospital for as little as 3 days or less.

Suitable candidates have:

  • Only mild underlying health conditions
  • Disease or injury limited to only one joint
  • Good social support at home

If you are a suitable candidate, you may wish to discuss early discharge with your medical team.